"I started attending BOSH classes with Vicki more than three years ago. As trite as it will sound, words cannot describe what a huge difference she has made to my life physically, mentally and emotionally. I was overseas at the time and couldn't do many classes because of the time difference, so I also signed up for online PT sessions with her.
As a trainer (and very fortunately for me, now, a friend), Vicki is absolutely up there with the best. It is her genuine care and support that makes her stand out from other trainers. In every class, she ensures that there are a number of options for each exercise, tailored to those attending - whether in terms of levels of strength, weight of kettlebells, injuries and other factors. That makes each BOSH class unique; there is no boring, cookie cutter approach here. When Vicki goes away, she makes an extraordinary effort, well in advance, to make sure that the BOSH community is well looked after during her absence. We get updates as to the classes that are available on demand, the revised schedule - it is all beautifully organised and helps the members plan ahead. When Vicki is away for a length of time, she even asks us which new on demand classes we would like recorded. Which other trainer goes to this extent to care for their clients/members? They go away and we are given dates. That is it.
Vicki set up BOSH during the pandemic. Her rationale was to support people in those difficult times by getting them to move, get stronger, fit and to create a supportive community, and she has succeeded in achieving all of that and more. Post-pandemic, nothing has changed as Vicki knows that good physical and mental health, as well as a supportive community, are key needs today in all societies. That lacuna continues to create endless problems globally and BOSH goes a very long way in mending that gap.
In terms of my personal journey with Vicki, she has made me so much stronger, fitter, and created the opportunity for me to meet the most amazing group of people. During the pandemic when we had to do online classes, I developed a deep dislike for online exercise. However, because Vicki is so personable, inclusive, caring and focuses on every single person in the class, I never feel that 'distance' which online learning can engender.
Her attention to detail is second to none, especially when explaining exercises and giving modifications if someone has an injury. I absolutely LOVED my PT sessions with Vicki. She taught me so many different, interesting exercises. The sessions were tough, but Vicki has that special talent of knowing her client's capacity, what they need to focus on, and how to deliver the session in her client's best interests. I also had enormous fun being trained by her - it was a very difficult time for me personally and the BOSH sessions and PT sessions strengthened me get through that period, both physically and mentally.
I cannot see myself not training with Vicki. BOSH is a very big part of my life, not just the training, but the wonderful, fun community of members and the great, varied, hugely interesting conversations after each class.
I cannot thank Vicki enough for what she has done and continues to do in terms of enriching our lives in this way."
Kitty B, London

"I’d always struggled with building exercise into my life in a sustainable way, and resented the cost and time-commitment that joining a gym entailed, but during lockdown my friend introduced me to Vicki’s classes. I’d never tried weight training and would have been much too intimidated to use any of the equipment in public, but Vicki introduced me to the world of dumbbells and kettlebells slowly and her passion for strength training was contagious!
I quickly discovered that working with weights was different to anything I’d done before. In classes we concentrate not on speed but on form, moving through a range of dynamic exercises to build a strong mind-body connection, rather than just raising the heartrate. Vicki’s instinctive curiosity and desire to learn new things mean classes often include a mix of old and new exercises, so feel familiar without ever being boring. I love the fact that I can do the classes from home and now – with the library of training videos – at a time that suits me, whilst knowing that Vicki will always be there if I have questions. I’ve found being stronger has helped me in lots of areas of my life – including making running easier, something I never imagined I’d enjoy doing.
To my surprise, I’ve managed to keep up regular strength training for over 4 years! This in no small part is because Vicki is such a fantastic trainer. Her commitment to improving people’s health and wellbeing (making them feel, rather than look good) is palpable. She encourages you to push yourself whilst always emphasising the need to listen to your own body, and adapting exercises to meet people where they are. I really don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t been introduced to Vicki, and cannot recommend her or BOSH fitness enough!"
Emma W, London

"Vicki is one of the best teachers you can find. She cares about every single person in her class with a holistic perspective. I love how she adapts each session depending on who is in the class and our abilities and preferences. I find the environment of gyms intimidating and off-putting and I would never have even tried a weights class if it had not been for Vicki offering her online sessions with their welcoming and supportive atmosphere. I so appreciate how she has helped me build my strength over the last year and I feel its effects everyday in small ways (even if exercise still isn’t my ‘thing’)."
Phoebe CM, Eastbourne

"I didn’t think I would ever ‘workout’, let alone get out of bed at 7am to fling weights around my bedroom - but somehow Vicki has not only made that happen, but she’s also made it enjoyable and educational and I really look forward to every class.
I’ve never enjoyed exercise and often felt it ‘wasn’t for me’ due to the industry’s heavy emphasis on body image. Like most people, especially women, I’ve had a complex relationship with my body and have always focused on how it looks or more importantly, doesn’t look. But following BOSH and seeing all of the facts and stats about the impact of exercise on things such as bone strength, brain activity and disease prevention has slowly changed my attitude towards exercise.
I really enjoy learning new things about my body in every class- the importance of posture, using varieties of muscle groups and how they interconnect and always always ‘make sure you stay hydrated’. As well as the classes being stimulating for both body and brain, I have taken titbits from them and have noticed I now apply these in everyday life- noticing my posture throughout the day and ensuring I stretch often. I suffer with anxiety and in times when I’ve felt overwhelmed, I now hear ‘focus on your breathing - in through the nose and out through the mouth’ and ‘drink some water, make sure you’re hydrated’ to break out the cycle of panic.
Vicki is so passionate and skilled and her attention to detail is second to none, she really cares that everyone gets the best out of each class within their own capabilities and it’s in such an encouraging way that it is infectious and makes you want to try harder. Exercise classes needn’t be much more than just engaging and safe - but BOSH has gone way beyond that and has created a great community that encourages passion, education and a genuine interest in physiology that works it’s way in to improving every facet of your life."
Rosie B, Brighton

"I started kettlebells with Vicki a year ago, aged 40. I had never done anything with weights before and I’ve had little success sticking with any sort of online exercise classes for long.
I started with one-to-one PT sessions. Vicki’s enthusiasm, energy and passion are truly inspiring and I found it impossible not to fall in love with kettlebells under her expert guidance. Each session is different and Vicki puts a lot of effort into responding to the exercises I enjoy and building more of them into our one-to-ones.
Although I enjoy working with the heavier kettlebells, it is the FLOW sequences that I have come to love. I really enjoy the challenge and focus of following the specific series of exercises, as Vicki builds the complexity by adding more and more additional moves - it’s a workout for brain and body!
I have recently started joining the FLOW group classes which I am really enjoying. It’s great to feel part of a group of people, separated geographically, but all together working hard and creating a shared energy.
The results of training with Vicki have been dramatic - my core is so much stronger, so my back and neck don’t ache like they used to after a day working at the computer. I am much stronger and fitter, I have more energy and I sleep better. I look forward to my sessions and can’t stop telling everyone that they should take up kettlebells (of course with Vicki!)"
Emma P, London

"I was introduced to Vicki in April 2022, and from our first consultation I knew she was more than “just another personal trainer”. I started with a few one-to-one sessions so she could assess my mobility which back then was practically non-existent.
I have a very sedentary role meaning I am sat at my desk for long periods of time every day and as a result my muscles and mobility suffered. After a few PT sessions I noticed that I could achieve better flexibility, mobility, movements and realised that all the heads of gym training just simply didn’t tackle all parts of my body to build core strength, flexibility and mobility.
I have suffered from weight related knee and back pains which are now a thing of the past thanks to Vicki’s dedicated and tailored warm up and cool downs in every session. I cannot recommend Vicki highly enough as someone who is both knowledgeable and dedicated to delivering bespoke training for everyone.
I now have a strong core and am able to maintain, hold and stretch positions that I previously thought impossible. I have today finished my first Kettlebell FLOW class and found that whilst it pushed me it was a mark of how far I have come since training with Vicki as a testament to the strength, fitness and stamina I have gained."
Ercan M, London

"I really recommend Vicki’s 1-1 technical session, especially if you have never used kettlebells before, or if you have any anxieties about taking part in the group sessions from home.
I was a bit worried that I might hurt myself, having had a back problem in the past & strained knees last year, but Vicki’s support & encouragement were an enormous help.
She went through very basic steps looking closely at my posture. Her attention to detail meant I knew I was standing correctly & moving safely from one position to another.
She was able to focus on the aspects of the exercises I was worried about, making sure I wasn’t straining my knees & keeping my spine in the right positions.
It was a great morale boost as she was very positive and encouraging. I felt confident I’d fit into the workshop & be good enough to keep pace with everyone else safely.
Vicki’s introductory group workshop really helped me with the basic kettlebell moves.
I’d been thinking of joining her Kettle STRONG class but felt a little nervous & intimidated as I’ve never done kettlebell exercises before.
There was time in the workshop for Vicki to demonstrate & explain the moves & swings, and then to watch closely while we practised each exercise. Hearing Vicki advise & correct other group members helped me to pay attention to details of my own posture & moves. It was interesting to see the same members of the group each week, starting together with a new challenge.
I moved to my first Kettle STRONG this week and loved it. There’s no pressure or embarrassment about which weight to use, so it’s easy to choose the one that suits you; Vicki often gives alternative exercises so you can choose the one to suit your level of strength or energy!"
Vera C, Manchester

"Having no experience in using personal trainers or any clear desire to, I was not sure what to expect or gain from working with Vicki but one thing I knew for sure was that she would, without a doubt, make sure that I benefited from it!
My goal from the very beginning was to advance my fitness. To be able to sustain endurance to a high level so I felt prepared for ultra marathons and taking on the biggest challenge of my life, without worrying about getting injured. I knew this would take strength, cardio and flexibility training. More importantly, Vicki knew and she put together a program for me that pushed my abilities but also celebrated them. Vicki's attention to detail and analysis of capabilities is phenomenal. The proof of this is in my results. If you are looking for a personal trainer who genuinely cares about individuals and takes the time to adapt her knowledge to benefit them both mentally and physically, then she is the right trainer for you.
I think it's important to connect to people who train you and people who you train. Life feels so hectic, especially when you are responsible for others. If you're going to find time to do something for you, I think it has to be of great value. Vicki's approach to personal training relies on this way of thinking and that's why I'm so grateful for getting the chance to train with her.
Personally, I do not enjoy general training or routines that do not inspire me and push me physically and mentally. Vicki's mindset is that a client should be challenged but should more importantly be heard. People's time is sacred and I think Vicki treats every client with that in mind. There's a genuine care in her approach that I think everyone would appreciate and thrive off of."
David T, London

"I’ve been doing BOSH Fitness for over 2 years. I’m 76 years of age and Vicki makes the exercises very enjoyable, she explains the steps very well and makes it feel like fun. It has helped me with my balance, posture, and overall fitness.
I like the benefits of online training in my own home, it makes it feel more personal than being with lots of other people."
Pauline K, Eastbourne