unlimited access to ALL live classes and ALL on-demand videos
17£1 week of unlimited access to ALL live online classes and ALL on-demand videosValid for one week- Best Value
60£4 weeks of unlimited access to ALL live online classes and ALL on-demand videosValid for 4 weeks
Standard price for a live classes - £6
Standard price for 1 video hire (72 hour access) - £6
Please note, when Vicki is on annual leave (i.e. no online class delivery for 2 consecutive days or more), your expiry date will be extended for half of the number of days. For example, if she is away from live classes for 10 consecutive days, your pack is extended by 5 days.
live classes only
for the regular live class BOSHer
1 live class
6££6.00 per classValid for 2 weeks5 live classes
28££5.60 per online classValid for 6 weeks10 live classes
54££5.40 per online classValid for 3 months- Best Value
24 live classes
120££5.00 per online classValid for 4 months
Standard price for a live classes - £6
Please note, when Vicki is on annual leave (i.e. no online class delivery for 2 consecutive days or more), your expiry date will be extended for the number of live class days that she is away.
on-demand only
unlimited access to ALL on-demand videos
1 week on-demand videos
10£1 week unlimited accessValid for one week4 weeks on-demand videos
30£4 weeks of unlimited accessValid for 4 weeks- Best Value
8 weeks on-demand videos
50£8 weeks of unlimited accessValid for 8 weeks
Standard price for 1 video hire (72 hour access) - £6
live classes and on-demand packages
12£1 live class + ALL on-demand videosValid for one week- 1 live class
- ALL on-demand videos
40£4 live class + ALL on-demand videosValid for 4 weeks- 4 live classes
- ALL on-demand videos
- Best Value
70£8 live class + ALL on-demand videosValid for 8 weeks- 8 live classes
- ALL on-demand videos